part of the family

Meridian 5'3" X 7'7" Pen-drawn Trellis Lines Rug - Cream Area Rug

SKU: D2446F24

Product Dimensions: Height: .5", Length: 91", Width: 63",

Rugs in the meridian collection feature a variety of abstract, geometric, and organic designs. Woven from synthetic fibers, they can resist almost any stain: simply blot the spill and then dab the rug with soap and water. Underfoot is a soft frieze.

Product Dimensions: Height: .5", Length: 91", Width: 63",

Construction: Machine made

Fabric Content: Heatset polypropylene

Finish: Cream

MPN: Meridian A191/0282 160230

Style: Contemporary Modern

UPC: 774519020643

Vsn: A191/0282 160230

Rug Size: 5' x 8'